We meet again!
posted on 2.10.15 | 11:35 PM
I realize an important part of relationship is having quality time. You may feel bored or tired in your relationship, then you only need a day you having a closer speech with your boyfriend/girlfriend so you feel your love is in the air again.

I really love whenever I meet the second day in every month. It does mean my relationship is getting longer. I really love to remember our first date, when you sang a song beneath the night sky. I really love for having a plan with you to go somewhere just the two of us. I really love for having breakfast before we had class, having lunch after we had class, or having dinner after we had a long tired day. I really love when we had a fight, but you always calm me down and spread the warmth of your heart. I really love for having time beside you even only a minute. I really love to listen to all of your stories about everything and I really love the way listen to me when I had some. I really love the first time you stare at me till we celebrate our 14th months, nothing change.
Happy 14th months together, Irfano.
I really love today. When the feeling I had only blessed and blessed for having you by my side.

Happy 14th months, my flashlight.

posted on 1.10.15 | 11:16 PM
After long time ago since the last day I wrote many words here. A lot of things I was afraid of, finally-I-thru-it-all-fine..................... The third years in collage, had a community services far from him, accompanied my Mom's therapy while in duties, separated by distance for 2 months, I thru it all. I thru it all, guys :") I'm proud of me for being the strongest one and do everything as best as I can. Do all the things I've should done although it was far from my expectation. But, everything has done till today and I'm blessed. It's a gift from God to give me a hard situation like this, accompany her to fight her soreness, and it'll going to be fine.
Today I had a chit chat with one of my favorite buddy. I miss that old, when I spent my whole day with my favorite buddies without I should look the clock up. When we were busy enough handle the event. When we laughed just didn't care people stare at us. When they spread the rumors behind our backs. If I could, I would turn back that time and wasted more time with them, did the things I absolutely knew to do, leave the waste things to catch the worth one, but time's up. Wanting more time is useless and bring nothing. But everything that has done in that time, make me here where I stand today. It brought me for having best of best friends from my high school's life. It told me who's the good and the bad. The last, but not least, It brought me meet my best partner today. 
Hum, reminiscing your high school's life never be bored, and has no end. But planning the future with him now, be my new favorite part that so much better than ever.
I called it, cycle. You only need time, to make sure that everything is going fine. You're afraid, you just waiting your body produce the immune so you'll be brave to face it up. You're waiting, you just need time then suddenly those things end. You confuse, pray, God will guide to the brighter part and give you the best. Be kind, and you deserve better.
When I was afraid of separated by distance with him for 2 months, apparently it went so fast like a week. When I was afraid I can't handle my mom's treat, apparently I could pass it like nothing else to do. That's cycle. You brave as true as you believe.